Glossop Young Windsurfer Gets Board

A young windsurfer from Glossop has been awarded exclusive use of a brand new board thanks to the John Merricks Sailing Trust (JMST), the official charity partner of the RYA OnBoard (OB) programme.

Johan Kidger, who sails at Glossop Sailing Club, was one of 11 successful youngsters, selected from hundreds of applications after competing in the RYA Zone and Home Country Championships, which took place at eight venues across the UK this September.

Johan (11) was introduced to the sport three years ago and has rapidly adopted it as his preferred sport. "I love windsurfing because it is social, and it is a brilliant sensation to be skimming across the waves at high speed."

He has just secured a place on the RYA Zone Squad which means he needs his own board rather than borrowing one from the club.

"He takes every opportunity to get out on the water at the club, not only on the main Saturday sessions for the more-able windsurfers like himself, but also opts to attend the sessions for those newer to windsurfing, where the club allows the good windsurfers to free-sail," said dad Jasper Kidger.

Jasper himself only took up windsurfing six years ago. Johan has the board for two years and then it automatically passes on to the Sailing Club - by which time he can expect to have moved on to more advanced equipment.

He wants to be a competitive racer and also pleasure sail on windy days. One ambition is to become an Assistant Instructor so he can help to introduce more young people to windsurfing.

Tim Snellgrove, Chief Windsurfing Instructor at Glossop Sailing Club said: "This year Johan has attended over 40 training sessions at the club - this is our best attendance. He shows enthusiasm to learn and is excited by the progress he has made this year. Glossop SC is firmly committed to encouraging those sailors who show aptitude and interest in racing to progress along the RYA pathways."

“We are delighted with the number of applications we received, and selecting recipients was a really difficult task,” said RYA OnBoard Operations Officer, Cat Ferguson.

“Each sailor selected has shown lots of enthusiasm, talent and commitment to the sport. This year we have awarded five Toppers and six Bic Techno windsurf boards, and we believe these will provide these young sailors with the opportunity to progress their skills with the highest quality equipment. Young people who may not ordinarily have been able to participate will be able to continue sailing and hopefully go on to achieve their goals”.

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Article Published: December 04, 2015 9:22

Article Updated: March 31, 2016 11:38


Tagged with: Windsurfing

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