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Research and Reports

Mental Health America periodically publishes research papers and reports to further important work in the field of mental health policy and advocacy. 

NEW: Shortening the Road to Recovery: Barriers and Opportunities to Improve Quality of Care for Major Depressive Disorders, March 2016

A new analysis by Avalere and Mental Health America (MHA) finds that significant barriers to quality care for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) exist, that insurance coverage does not necessarily equal access to care, and that patients often feel left out of their own treatment. About 16 million American adults have MDD.  MDD can often cause cognitive difficulties (lack of concentration, ability to focus, stay on task, etc.), lack of energy, and sleep issues that affect people’s ability to manage day-to-day activities.  Avalere and MHA developed this report to describe the current state of quality of care for individuals with MDD and provide an evidence-based assessment of challenges and opportunities for quality improvement. Nearly 44 million American adults suffer from a mental illness in a given year. Of the population with MDD, only 35 percent are treated within the first year of developing symptoms; for others it can take 4 years or more. Many people don’t seek treatment in the early stages of mental illnesses because of discrimination, stigma, and lack of awareness of warning signs. Because of this, many mental health conditions aren’t addressed in a timely manner.

This infographic summarizes the results found in the white paper.

On Pins and Needles: Caregivers of Adults with Mental Illness, February 2016

Mental Health America (MHA), in conjunction with its partners at the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) and The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is pleased to present an important national survey report: On Pins and Needles; Caregivers of Adults with Mental Illness.

Reflecting the experiences, frustrations and perceptions that caregivers recount in accessing treatment and supports for the person cared for; this report also includes caregivers’ assessment of their own struggles, and support needs. The report contains strong policy recommendations, such as screening, and parity for a full range of integrated services and supports including peers supports and community inclusion. 

Prevention and Early Intervention B4Stage4: The State of Mental Health in America 2016

Mental Health America released its annual State of Mental Health Report, with startling numbers of how many Americans are not receiving the necessary treatments for mental health and substance use issues. Of particular concern is that even among our most severely depressed youth, 6 in 10 are not receiving any treatment for their mental health problems.

MHA’s report also includes an Issue Spotlight which focuses this year on Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Health. The Issue Spotlight provides information on factors that are helpful or harmful to mental health throughout the early lifespan, provides programs and policies that address risk factors and increase protective factors in order to promote the prevention

Other Papers and Reports

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