Mental Health Month 2016

Starting planning your Mental Health Month Outreach.

Download the toolkit.

2016 Annual Conference

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It's time to start talking about mental health before it's too late.

Join the movement.

Take a Mental Health Screen

Mind Your Health in 30 seconds or less.

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The State of Mental Health in America

Our report ranks the mental health of the U.S.

Where does your state rank?

MHA in Your Area


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Attend our Annual Conference
MHA's Annual Conference is a great opportunity to network and hear from amazing speakers. Our 2016 Annual Conference: Media, Messaging and Mental Health will take an in-depth look at the impact and influence of media and the entertainment industry on the complex issues of mental health and mental illness. Learn more!



Workplace Wellness

We spend a lot of time at work. Is your workplace mentally healthy? 

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Get insurance help.

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Position Statements

Improve your advocacy with our Position Statements. 

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April 13th-the anniversary of the casting of the Mental Health Bell. Watch:
4 hours 34 min ago
We'll be live on Facebook at 11:00am today to ring the Mental Health Bell. Join us:
6 hours 11 min ago

Facebook stream

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