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Advocacy Network

Mental Health America’s Advocacy Network is a powerful voice for change. The Advocacy Network is comprised of thousands of individuals nationwide who take an active role in protecting America’s mental health through legislative advocacy. Because of the support of individuals like you, we have won major victories such as the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health and Addiction Parity and Equity Act.

Together, we speak out and make our voice heard on prevention for all, early identification and intervention for those at risk, access to quality, integrated health care for those who need it with recovery as the goal. Learn more about our #B4Stage4 initiative.

Join our movement by signing up for Action Alerts and signing the #B4Stage4 Petition

You can also join the movement on social media – our Facebook page has more than 127,000 fans and our Twitter profile has more than 69,000 followers!

Our Affiliates

With more than 200 affiliate organizations in 41 states, MHA is a powerful voice for healthy communities throughout the nation. MHA affiliates around the country advocate at the state and local levels so that all individuals living with mental health conditions get the help they want when they need it. Find an affiliate near you.

Regional Policy Council

MHA’s Regional Policy Council (RPC) acts as a hub of mental health policy information and activities between MHA national and the affiliate network. Through the RPC, affiliates engage with stakeholders and policymakers to initiate, advocate for, and implement policies that positively affect the lives of children, youth, and adults with mental health and substance use conditions. Learn more about the Regional Policy Council

Support Our Advocacy Efforts

MHA’s Advocacy Network has put mental health on the national agenda. Now, we want to make sure those whose lives are affected by the decisions made in Washington and around the country are represented. Your support makes the difference in winning the changes we need. 

Join us today. Please make a tax-deductible donation to Mental Health America and strengthen our voice. 

2000 N. Beauregard Street,
6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311

Phone (703) 684.7722

Toll Free (800) 969.6642

Fax (703) 684.5968

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