The boat will be used for teaching the basics of sailing, building confidence on the water and use in special school regattas. It will also enable training of instructors to answer the particular needs of people with disabilities through the Sailability programme.

Sailing is a sport where sailors with disabilities can use specially-adapted boats to compete against fully able people in mixed-class events (where a handicapping system enables direct comparison of different shapes and sizes of boats).

While the new boat will be based at Bolton Sailing Club, any club in the North West which is an accredited Sailability site or wants to be one can request the use of the boat.

The access boat has a very heavy removable keel that gives amazing stability in strong winds. The boom is also angled up for safety.

The class has single and double person versions. They are fitted with adapted controls: a joystick instead of a tiller for steering and can even have motorised modifications for those with reduced movements or strength.