The third day of the RYA Youth National Championships (4-8 April) was disappointing said Principal Race Officer, David Campbell-James as he hoisted the flags indicating there would be no more racing today (Wednesday).

The Laser classes, RS:X and 29er gold fleet did launch on time for their first race in 18-20 knots, before all classes except the RS:X were sent back in as the average wind speed increased to over 25 knots.

James Hatcher won the only race of the day, current leader Andy Brown (Largs SC) finished third but maintains his lead by just a point over Hatcher.

“It was pretty windy coming from the west, large swell and chop coming through. I messed up my start slightly but I got it back in the end, didn’t fall in so just carried on catching up,” said Brown.

“It was quite fun but it looks pretty similar tomorrow and only 10 of the fleet actually racing so there was only about 10 of us racing so I think it was fair enough that they cancelled.”

Brown concluded: “It looks like it will drop off slightly later on tomorrow so hopefully get some racing in then.”

Rounding off the top three is Matthew Carey who finished fourth in today’s race.

“We were really hoping to get some racing in before the wind got up, we launched the boats at 10 for an 11 start. The wind was in the 16-20 knot area with a few gusts above that but not really too bad, it stayed like that for quite a long time then at 11 the wind went up to 22 then 28 knots, with gusts of 35,” said Campbell-James.

“We now have AP over A flying as the wind is forecast to go up for the rest of the day and not drop before 6pm tonight. It’s disappointing for us, however the RS:X class did manage one race, the race officers did a great job to get that race in but overall it is very disappointing.

“Tomorrow, the forecast is looking a bit the same, so the pressure is on for the race officers,” concluded Campbell-James.

Full results online here.

Follow all the step-by step-action on our event blog that will go live every day. You can also follow the action straight from the water as at least two classes each day will be live tracked, watch the Laser Radial class racing on Thursday online here.

For further information please visit the RYA Youth National Championships website.  You can follow the event and see the action unfold on the British Youth Sailing Team Facebook page and on Twitter at @RYAyouthracing. Share your comments with us using #RYAYouths.