© John Cranwell-Ward
The National Squib has one of the largest National Championship fleets of any class, ranking consistently in the top ten - and in the top three of adult two person boats. There were 108 Squibs racing at the 2009 Nationals and 70 appeared at Dun Laoghaire for the 2010 Nationals despite the recession and the travel to Ireland. Ladies play a major part in Squib life. The National Squib Association Chairman (insisting on that title!) is Jenny Riley and at the 2007 Nationals, the first two boats were crewed by ladies as were 5 of the first 8. The youngest competitor is 14 and won the best young helm award at Cowes Week 2010, while also winning the Squib series. The oldest? Well the combined age of one crew is more than 10 times his age. There are 33 Squib fleets found in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, North Wales, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Humberside, Suffolk, Kent, Sussex, IOW, Dorset, Devon and even the British Virgin Islands. Squibs are for everyone.