Learn the Lingo 

Beating To sail upwind, into the wind 
Bow Front of the boat 
Crew Additional person in the boat that helps to maintain the boats speed by controlling the sails 
Centreboard/Daggerboard Prevent the boat from slipping sideways. Slides or pivots up and down in the centre of the boat to act as a keel 
Downwind Sailing with the wind behind you 
Forestay A piece of standing rigging attached to the mast and the bow which keeps a mast from falling backwards 
Gybe To change a boat’s course when sailing so that the stern moves through the wind. Enables sailor to change direction downwind. 
Helm Person who drives/steers the boat, sits furthest back in the boat 
Hike To lean out of the boat 
Hull The body of the boat 
Jib  A sail that fits in between the forestay and the mast 
Keel  Projects below the boat down into the water - it enables the boat to sail upwind and helps to prevent it from capsizing 
Mainsail  Largest sail on the boat 
Port  Nautical term for the left side of the boat when facing forward 
Reachingd  Sailing across the wind 
Rudder  A flat structure attached upright to the stern of a boat so that it can be used to steer/drive the boat 
Running  Sailing downwind, with the wind directly behind you 
Sheet A rope that can be used to let the sails in and out 
Spinnaker/Genniker Large light weight downwind sail, flown from the front part of the boat
Starboard Nautical term for the right half of the boat when facing forward 
Stern  Back of the boat 
Tack Turning the bow of the boat through the wind and changing the sides of the sails. Enables you to change direction upwind. 
Trapezing   Act of hanging from the boat on a harness and a wire to counteract the force of the sails to keep the boat upright 
Upwind Sailing towards/into the wind 


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