Flotilla yachts 

Flotilla companies operate fleets of yachts, most commonly in the Mediterranean, on a seasonal basis. They employ skippers, mates, hostesses and engineers.

Flotilla staff are expected to ensure that clients have a safe and enjoyable sailing holiday. Posts are usually advertised in the yachting press, in particular Yachting Monthly, Yachting World, Motor Boats Monthly and Boat International.


The skipper's role is that of a group courier, making sure that the flotilla moves smoothly from port to port. You will be responsible for aspects of the flotilla including safety, preparation, maintenance and the laying up of the boat at the end of the season. The usual requirement for skippers on flotilla holidays is a commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence.

Tuition is often offered on flotilla holidays, so skippers may also need to hold the RYA Keelboat Instructor or RYA Yachtmaster™ Instructor qualification.

Bareboat Skippers

The duties of a bareboat skipper involve the preparation of yachts for charter and their delivery to their relevant bases. The usual minimum requirement for bareboat skippers is a commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence.


The role of a mate is to deputise for the skipper in all aspects of the holiday. You are also responsible for the administrative and social areas of the clients' holiday. Mates should hold a commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence, RYA Yachtmaster™ Instructor or RYA Keelboat Instructor qualification.


The role of the engineer is to familiarise clients with their boats and solve any immediate mechanical problems during the cruise, so you will need a knowledge of marine diesel engines.

The RYA runs a Diesel Engine course which teaches the basics of how an engine works, how to keep them healthy and how to get them started again should a mechanical breakdown occur.


The hostess manages the social programme of the flotilla, including parties and barbecues and looks after the clients' welfare. In addition, he or she provides liaison with the company's administration staff to deal with any travel or domestic problems.

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Article Published: May 19, 2009 13:29

Article Updated: February 17, 2015 11:09


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