Educational Videos


Mental Health America

is excited to launch My Plan, My Life: My Psychiatric Advance Directive — a new online resource to inform consumers with mental illness, their families and health care professionals about the importance of psychiatric advance directives. This program is sponsored by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.

Learn More About Psychiatric Advance Directives

Interested in getting more information?

Similar to a medical advance directive or a health care power of attorney, a psychiatric advance directive is a legal document completed in a time of wellness that provides instructions regarding treatment or services one wishes to have or not have during a mental health crisis, and may help influence his or her care.

This content was developed by a team of renowned mental health experts

Dr. David Shern
President & CEO of
Mental Health America

Dr. Marvin Swartz
Professor and Head,
Division of Social and
Community Psychiatry
at the Duke University
School of Medicine

Delaney Ruston
Physician, Advocate,
and filmmaker

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for psychiatric advance