Before medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or before certain therapy methods are widely accepted as effective, they are tested on people who volunteer to participate in a clinical trial.

Search below for a clinical trial, also called a research study, near you. ADAA does not have listings in every U.S. state or Canadian province or territory.

Visit ResearchMatch to search online for more clinical trials. Discover the Condition Connection for Anxiety.

To post your clinical trial, please complete this form: Clinical-Trials_ADAA-website_writablePDF. Download this form to your desktop; complete the fields; rename it, and e-mail it as an attachment. You must also e-mail these two documents as attachments: 1) a brief description of your study, including eligibility and exclusion criteria; 2) a copy of your IRB approval letter. Please send via e-mail.