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Aralık 2008 tarihinde katıldı

@spain engellendi

Bu Tweetleri görüntülemek istediğinden emin misin? Tweetleri görüntülemek @spain adlı kişinin engelini kaldırmaz.

  1. Today is , and we’re celebrating with ‘monas’, .

  2. If you’re coming to , look out the Mediterranean Balcony

  3. Is there a better plan than having a hearty chickpea stew – – with ?

  4. , in , looks so beautiful when it lights up, don’t you think?

  5. the in have run performances for more than 400 years? Happy !

  6. Buenos días. Hoy es Domingo de Pascua, siempre es el primer domingo después de la 1ª luna llena de la primavera.

  7. Estás en ? Mañana domingo a las 12:00 se celebra en la Plaza Mayor la clásica de .

  8. Comienza el horario de . Esta madrugada, a las 02:00 am tendrás que adelantar una hora el reloj.

  9. intensely lives its April Fair from 12 to 17 April 2016

  10. …? The aqueduct in dates back to the Middle Ages.

  11. If you’re a lover, you’re gonna love the Cuerda del Pozo .

  12. Taking a walk in the historic district of , a perfect plan!

  13. If you’re coming to , you should visit . You won’t regret it!

  14. is a great time to visit the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de Los Milagros 😉

  15. Buenos días, sábado. Algunos viajes merecen disfrutarse antes de llegar al destino.

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