Giving you opportunities and experience

The UKSA ethos

As a charity, we’re able to deliver so much more than just training and certification. With UKSA you get exceptional opportunities and the experience of a lifetime.

Towards a bright future

We focus on the individual and place huge importance on personal development. That might mean gently encouraging a nervous eight year-old to dip his toes in the water. Or it could mean helping a student prepare her CV for a career in the superyacht industry.

Come to UKSA as a student and we’ll show you the benefits of teamwork, but also how to be a leader. We watch as our students grow in confidence and find their voice. Then we guide them towards their bright futures.

Inclusive and diverse

We are inclusive. We involve everybody whether they have physical challenges or emotional difficulties to overcome, or whether they’re high-achievers looking for the ultimate challenge.

We are also diverse. We offer on-water experiences to novice schoolchildren as well as experienced yachtsmen and women.

We do this thanks to our inspirational instructors, our range of programmes, and our fantastic fleet and facilities. Our purpose-built site on the waterfront in Cowes is at the heart of the yachting world.