Why choose us for your training?

Launching your career with UKSA

There are hundreds of great reasons to choose our yachting and watersports training. Here are just a few.

  • We’re one of the world’s leading maritime training providers.
  • We offer engineeringdeckhospitality and other qualifications.
  • You gain valuable skills such as teamwork, independence and leadership.
  • You get to train on an outstanding fleet and in purpose-built facilities.
  • You also get inspirational tutors and unrivalled industry guidance.
  • We offer one-to-one mentoring and help you with CVs and interviews.
  • Our own in-house placement service helps you find a job.
  • You can come back to us to top up your training or find your next role.
  • You’ll live and eat on our fully equipped site in Cowes, Isle of Wight.
  • We’re not just a 9-5 organisation. Our doors don’t close when classes end: you’ll have access to facilities after teaching hours.
  • There’s a great social aspect to training at UKSA. Our lively bar has regular events and a convivial atmosphere.

Find out about typical career opportunities that could be available to you once you complete our training, or read more about our world-class facilities and fleet.