
Port Chantereyne

RYA members can now receive a 20% discount on visitor berthing fees when visiting Port Chantereyne in Cherbourg. The marina Port Chantereyne is located in the largest artificial harbour in Europe making it a very safe place to moor. The marina is a deep water marina and is therefore accessible 24/7 at all states of tide.

Being the closest French marina to the Solent, Port Chantereyne is handily located for cruising to the Bay de Seine, the Channel Islands and beyond depending on the weather. Cherbourg itself is a typically French destination with its large selection of shops, bars, restaurants, gardens, parks and museums all located very close to the marina. The friendly English speaking marina staff will be delighted to help with the organisation of your stay in Cherbourg.

All Members - 20% off visitor berthing fees at Port Chantereyne

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