Livefyre Engagement Cloud just got bigger, better.

Storify 2 gives you the tools to create the best evergreen and live blog stories, uniting traditional storytelling with engaged audiences.

A story for every use-case

  • Breaking News

    Up-to-the-minute, non-stop updates from any source, every time.

  • Live Blogging

    Conferences, sporting events and award shows, showcase everything that happened, live.

  • Hashtag Campaigns

    Capture and report your hashtag’s results, or curate the best user content.

  • Q&A

    Archive your next discussion with talent for a new show, album and more.

What you'll get

Real-time collaboration

Built for the social newsroom, wherever you find it. Allow multiple editors to simultaneously update, review and publish your story from anywhere.

Create stories wherever you find them

Post content and shape your narrative on the fly with our powerful mobile app.

One place for all your content needs

Craft authentic stories with content from your team and community. Drag and drop content to group audience moments. Quickly search, filter and publish social content from your owned assets and across the web: text, photos, even videos.

Immersed, engaged audiences

Focus attention on what matters by pinning content and displaying at-a-glance views of key story events. Sidenotes, social sharing and other engagement features let your community voice their opinion while driving traffic right back to your site.

Extend the life of your stories

Storify 2 is built on Livefyre Engagement Cloud, helping you turn real-time content into long-term, reusable assets. Store, tag and organize content in your social library to repurpose your best posts and re-engage readers weeks, months, even years down the road.

Explore Social Library

Which Storify is right for me?

Storify Free

Amateur blogger?

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Storify 2

Enterprise content team?

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Still not sure? Take a look at our feature comparison below.

Content CreationStorify FreeStorify 2
Create, edit, publish from a single place
Drag and drop social content
Drag and drop to re-order
Add local photo and videos
Content approval workflow
Automated content curation
Native mobile app
Customized look and feel
Set time zone
One-click theme customization
Custom CSS styling
End-User Engagement
Full-story social sharing
Individual-post social sharing
Sidenotes in-story commenting
Navigation for story highlights
Pin posts at top of story
Content tag filtering
Monetization and SEO
Customer-controlled ads
Google real-time search optimization
SEO optimization
Livefyre Engagement Cloud Platform
Enterprise-level support
Enterprise moderation features
Use your own authentication provider
Access to Social Library
Turn real moments into storiesExplore Storify 2