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Developers » Sites and Widgets
Sites and Widgets
The VK API can be used on external sites for user authorization and access to additional social data. We also offer a set of VK widgets to increase user engagement on your site. 
Site Authorization
You can use one of the following methods for authorization: 
  • Authorization via Open API — alternative method, uses a client JavaScript library. Can be used if you need to call API methods both from your server and from the user's browser.
Widgets for websites
  • Comments
    A hassle-free way to add commenting to your website.

  • Post
    Allows to publish a post or comment from VK on your website.

  • Communities
    A VK community module for your site. Can display faces of members or community news.

  • Like
    A 'Like' button that allows users to 'like' objects and share links with friends.

  • Recommendations
    A module that lists most popular materials on your site according to Like widget data.

  • Polls
    A polling module with social features.

  • Authorization
    A 'Log in with VK' button for quick authorization, can also show those of the user's friends, who visited your site.

  • Link Posting
    A button that allows your users to share links on VK.

Using Widgets in Applications
Do not use Open API to embed widgets in iFrame applications. See more info on  IFrame widgets
Additional Information
Connecting external video services