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Developers » Platform Rules
Platform Rules
When you create a VK application you get access to the great audience of the site - more than 200 million users. The most important thing for us is not to deceive their trust and expectations, so we want to offer them only reliable and well-developed applications. Moreover, we feel responsible to serious developers who have already invested their own souls in their products and want them to be surrounded by applications with relevant quality.
We hope that this set of rules will help you avoid problems working on the application and simplify the moderation process.
1. Application Functionality
1.1 An application should not deceive users, provide mendacious functionality, mislead people.
1.2. An application should not contain functions at work with which the user is abusing VK ( or bypassing limitations inherent in the basic functions of VK.
1.3. An application placed at should contain no references dangerous for users. Also, all referrals should be predictable.
1.4. An application can not impersonate an official product of VK developers. In particular, it is prohibited to use logo, stickers or gifts VK in the design, use the name VK in the title or description of the application.
1.5. It is prohibited to request personal data from users such as emails, passwords, phone numbers, passport data and other private information. An application placed at should not contain a separate registration or authorization via third-party services.
1.6. It is prohibited to place stub applications without functional meaning. An access to the full functionality of the application placed at should be provided without the transition out of VK.
1.7. Application contents and its name can not be drastically changed.
1.8. It is prohibited to cut down the application functionality to users who do not agree ​​for additional steps: sending invitations, posting entries on wall, adding an application to the left menu, receiving alerts.
1.9. Payment of all virtual goods and services in an application placed at must be carried out only in votes. It is prohibited to accept payment by other means, including third-party sites.
1.10. It is prohibited to transfer votes to users for apps placed at In case of violation this rule an application forever loses our trust, an ability to accept votes from the users and the prospect to be placed in the catalog. The one exception is when previously spent votes are returned.
1.11. It is prohibited to provide users with the possibility to directly download music or video files from VK servers.
1.12. Advertising applications are moderated in a special order. To accommodate such applications requires to sign a contract with the company "VK". See rules for the placement of advertising applications.
2. Data Handling
2.1. It is prohibited to collect and store user data, including user identificator (User ID) for any purposes not related with an application functionality. Requested data should be used only in the application context.
2.2. An application placed at should contain privacy policy. If absent, use typical VK privacy policy.
2.3. It is prohibited to transfer any user data received automatically via API (including User ID) to the third-party services (e.g., advertising) both directly and through intermediaries.
2.4. It is prohibited to use user data in any advertisements.
3. Application Contents
3.1. It is prohibited to use naturalistic images containing scenes of violence against people or animals, erotic, pornographic materials, insulting materials and obscene words or phrases in the application.
3.2. It is prohibited to infringe the rights of other persons. If your application uses trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other proprietary content, this requires to be coordinated with the copyright holder - so that you'll be able to provide permission for the use of these materials by our request.
3.3. It is prohibited to place at someone else's applications and designs, and copy the full functionality of other applications placed at
3.4. An application shall contain information about its age restrictions.
4. Platform Using
4.1. Notifications from an application should not contain spam and any other information not related with an app.
4.2. An application should not cause any active actions in the API without users' knowledge and without their consent.
4.3. It is prohibited to encourage users to post entries on walls, send invitations, send friend requests to random people and to any actions directly or indirectly affecting other people. Acceptable option for us: a reward for joining app official community or just bonuses for users whose friends installed the application.
5. Requirements for Applications
5.1. An application in the mobile catalog must work correctly on iOS 6.0 and higher, Android 4.0 and higher, Windows Phone 8.0 and higher platforms. An application placed at must work correctly both with usual and secure (HTTPS) connections on all of major web-browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer.
5.2. An application should be completely translated into Russian. Texts should not contain obscene language, orthographic mistakes and typos.
5.3. An application should be visually appealing, all items must be designed in the same style. Application may be rejected if its interface is too complicated or poorly worked out. All uploaded application banners should have equal or slightly different content.
5.4. An application should contain social functions for users interaction.
5.5. An application should contain terms or training mode.
5.6. An application should be unique. If any similar apps have already been added in the catalog (chats, radio, cinema), your application might be rejected.
5.7. An application can not be targeted only to narrow groups of users or be a collection of texts or images without significant additional functionality.
5.8. An application should not be devoted to erotic or esoteric subjects (including divination).
5.9. An application may be rejected if its purpose contradicts to common ethical norms or moral principles.
5.10.  The Developer of the app placed at shall provide technical support for the Application and simple communication procedure with Users regarding all issues that may occur during Application use — in "Help" section.
5.11. An application should not increase users' levels, points or unlock achievements for bonuses, gifts, friends' actions etc. Levels might be increased for users' direct actions (such as completing a stage, crafting an item etc.)
6. License
6.1. Placing the Application in you grant VKontakte non-exclusive worldwide license to use the Application on the Site by the way of free access setting and for general public. The value of right of use the Application granted to VKontakte is included in payment for rendered services and shall not be paid additionally.
6.2. VKontakte is entitled to grant worldwide Application right of use by the way of granting sublicenses according to the terms of the standard License Agreement License Agreement that may be concluded between VKontakte and Users by the way of placing the public offer of the Site by VKontakte. You hereby confirm that you agreed and accepted the terms of License Agreement and you do not have any objections against granting right of use Application that is placed on by VKontakte to Users according to the terms of License Agreement. You grant to VKontakte worldwide right of use the Application placed on by the following means:
(а) making available to the public in the Internet so that any person may have access to the Application from any place anytime;
(b) advertisement and promotion of Application by all means without restrictions including placing promotional materials created by using part(-s) of Application.
6.3. Application right of use according to sections 6.1 and 6.2 above is granted for the period of 5 years with following automatic renewal of this term for every next calendar year provided that neither of the parties of this Agreement wishes to early terminate no later than within 30 calendar days prior to the termination date.
6.4. VKontakte does not submit any additional reports of using the Application placed on unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
6.5. You hereby guarantee that (а) you are the sole right holder of the Application that you placed on (or the Application’s right holder is the person that you indicated additionally),(b) granting right of use the Application that is placed on to VKontakte according to this section 6 does not violate and will not violate the terms of any agreements concluded by you and third parties and/or third parties’ rights, (c) usage of Application placed on by VKontakte and/or by you according to Agreement does not violate third parties’ rights including but not limited to copyright, neighbouring and related rights, trademark rights and other means of individualizing as well as individual’s non-property rights.
7. Other Conditions
7.1. The rules can be changed or supplemented if necessary. Along the moderation process VK employees may want to explain the VK position if there are any remarks and warn you about possible difficulties. But they won't discuss it eternally and play as mentors teaching people how to write applications.
7.2. When placing an application in VK, the developer accepts Rules for Advertising in ApplicationsRules for Store Placement in Applications and Rules for the Placement of Advertising Applications
These Rules for Application Placement are an integral part of the Terms for Application Placement on