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Developers » Quick start
Creating an Application
You can build various apps types on the VK platform: 

  • mobile_apps Mobile apps. Access to API methods and simplified authorization with SDK for major mobile platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone.

In order to call most API methods, Standalone/Mobile applications and external sites require user (or application) authorization. The same applies to server-run code for applications of any type.
API Methods
Widgets for Sites
  • Comments. A generic module for comments on third-party sites.
  • Post. Allows to publish a post or comment from vk on your website.
  • Communities. VK Community modules for third-party sites.
  • Like. A button that allows users to 'like' objects and share links with friends.
  • Recommendations. A module that lists most popular materials on the site according to Like widget data.
  • Polls. A polling module.
  • Authorization. A basic authorization module.
  • Link posting. A button that allows users to share links on VK.
  • Subscribe to an author. A button that allows users to subscribe to an author or community.
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