David Colquhoun


Pharmacologist and blogger. Likes stochastic processes, dislikes managerialism and quacks.

UCL London
Pridružio/la se siječanj 2009.

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  1. "My bro never lets me use his fancy telescope, but he's on holiday rn so lol I stole it & here's a cool thing I found" - Caroline Herschel

  2. "We are slowly returning to the ethnic/racial/religious/gender purity which induces us to stay amongst 'the sames'."

  3. But how many of them are reliable? An algorithm can't check methods.

  4. PMR: a mountain of scholarly publications every day and most not publicly readable - seious and morally unacceptable.

  5. . on the horrors for closed access to science and the horror of the "publisher-academic complex"

  6. Academy schools: The story so far

  7. Ordered a copy of issue 3. Very much recommended mathematical reading.

  8. I've signed the petition calling on the government to keep the BBC free from government control. Will you?

  9. . And you criticisms of our paper are ...? You have been vociferous in criticising personal abuse - maybe reflect?

  10. Yes, puzzling, Costs a lot to triple the size of DfE ?

  11. Michael Sheen Tears Into NHS Cuts In Blistering Speech Tory & New Lab have failed NHS since Thatcher It must change

  12. "Placebo treatments ought to be paid wiv placebo payments" Dr Harriet Hall via

  13. Magnificent prog on Obama. Thank you Norma Percy. Looking forward to part 2

  14. So now we're going to cock up schools in a different way.

  15. Odgovor korisniku/ci

    . Odd that Conservaitives should advocate direct central control from Whitehall, Sounds like politburo

  16. Odgovor korisniku/ci

    . Two progs on problems of publishing, reproducibility, perverse incentives etc, by

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