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Twitter supports Do Not Track

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that you can set in most web browsers.

We honor Do Not Track because we are committed to providing you with meaningful privacy choices. DNT gives you a simple way to control how your information is used to personalize your experience. We support DNT for our tailored suggestions and tailored ads, in addition to other privacy options. Here’s how:

  • For tailored suggestions: If you do not want Twitter to tailor suggestions for you based on your visits to websites that have integrated Twitter buttons or widgets, you can turn off this feature for a given browser using your Do Not Track browser setting. You can also turn off this feature for your account in your Twitter account settings.
  • For tailored ads: If you do not want Twitter to match your account to browser-related information to tailor ads for you, you can turn off this feature for a given browser using your Do Not Track browser setting, in addition to the privacy choices of Twitter’s ad partners, including those at You can also turn off this feature for your account in your Twitter account settings.
  • For ads on Twitter while logged out: If you prefer your logged-out Twitter experience not to include ads that may be based on your logged-in Twitter activity, you can either enable the Do Not Track setting in your web browser or clear cookies from your browser when you log out of Twitter.

In addition, Twitter uses third-party advertising providers, including Google Analytics for Display Advertisers, to market our services on our behalf, including through the delivery of interest-based ads. If you do not want our advertising providers to use your visits to Twitter websites to show you personalized ads, you can opt out using your Do Not Track browser setting.

When you have DNT enabled, we may still use information about website visits for analytics and measurement purposes, like counting the number of users that have seen a particular embedded Tweet or timeline, or that have taken certain actions after seeing an ad on Twitter.

Learn more about your privacy controls in our Privacy Policy.