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2016 Conference Sponsorship, Exhibit and Advertising Opportunities

Want to engage and interact with Mental Health America, mental health advocates, stakeholders, and decision makers eager to learn more about mental health services, products, and options for living mentally healthier lives? Consider sponsoring, exhibiting,or advertising at our 2016 Annual Conference: Media, Messaging and Mental Health!


On June 8-10, 2016 MHA will hold its 2016 Annual Conference with the theme Media, Messaging and Mental Health at the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia. The conference will take an in-depth look at the impact and influence of media and the entertainment industry on the complex issues of mental health and mental illness. With a particular focus on the entertainment industry, the digital landscape, and the press, we will explore the good and the bad of portrayals on the big and small screen; how the digital landscape is revolutionizing how we deal with mental health; how celebrity can be used to influence the conversation; how messaging and language can sometimes contribute to and perpetuate the destructive stigma and discrimination of people living with mental illness; and how mental health advocates can work together to change the conversation. The event will include several high level plenary sessions, keynote speeches, breakout sessions, and our 3rd Annual Innovation Nation that highlights pioneering programs on the local level.


  • Non-profit and corporate executives
  • Policy and Programming leadership and staff
  • Marketing professionals
  • Leaders from the health care sector
  • Social workers
  • MHA affiliates and leadership
  • Mental health experts
  • Federal and State Government officials
  • Individuals and family members with lived experience


  • Companies with health and wellness products and services
  • Health and insurance providers
  • Government agencies
  • Nonprofits, including trade associations
  • Health care and advocacy groups
  • Authors
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Natural and homeopathic organizations
  • Wellness ambassadors

Don't miss this opportunity to gain visibility in person, in print and online with the influential audience at MHA's 2016 Annual Conference!  Check out our full sponsorship, exhibit and advertising guide to learn about what is possible!

2000 N. Beauregard Street,
6th Floor Alexandria, VA 22311

Phone (703) 684.7722

Toll Free (800) 969.6642

Fax (703) 684.5968

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