Phillip Hodson


Neither Left nor Right... Psychotherapist, broadcaster, piano-man, gardener, cook, mender of things. It's a digital world; we are analogue people.

London. Cotswolds. Cornwall.
Joined February 2009

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  1. These states have visa-free access to the EU. The Remain campaign says a post-EU Britain might face visas.

  2. Remain versus Leave is the new English Civil War. We must stop paying tax to Brussels without representation. Election not Prerogative!

  3. It's said Remainers socially despise Leavers but surely one should pity the metropolitan deracines with their lives of cafe artifice?

  4. RIP . It was clearly an editorial mistake to kill her Sunday Times column & distressed Sally a lot. An added burden.

  5. Who would give that message?

  6. Brexit scaremongering getting very tedious – if anything, it's probably turning people away from the 'remain' vote.

  7. My super son Alex Hooper-Hodson is a star of Sex Pod (Channel 5star) tomorrow. Not 'son of Sex Box' - far better!

  8. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  9. New message from this house near us

  10. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  11. Must reading for all Southern coasters - The Spectator

  12. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  13. I love this - John Aubrey's 1652 anecdote anent Sir Walter Raleigh.

  14. I don't watch football but thought it might be interesting to see Spurs yesterday 'under pressure'. Oh dear. Kicking opponents not ball.

  15. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  16. She has a point. Anybody else noticed this?

  17. ..if I were Jewish & more hurtful.Makes me think non-Jewish writers shdn't just leave these battles to Jewish ones to fight

  18. Must be a great comfort to Margot and Anne Frank and the other 40,000 who died in Belsen.

  19. Another Leftie Line Up - BBC you are taking the pee

  20. Milk from cows kept inside ALL YEAR ROUND is not labelled as such. Buy organic, or milk from or - cows go out.

  21. Breaking: Mrs Thatcher's power suit disappears from museum exhibition

  22. Oh God. ...all on Your daily dose of chronic, cancerous Leftism

  23. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  24. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  25. Just read the 20 Patrick O'Brien naval novels for the third time - 60 glorious books in all. If you die without opening them, my pity.

  26. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  27. Interesting speculation that so much fuss made about Prince/Bowie cos 80s generation take themselves (& their idols) so seriously. Precious

  28. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  29. Strange having tiny sympathy with one's own culture. Never warmed to Bowie. Never took to Victoria Wood. Never heard Prince. Headliners?

  30. They do , they do. Shaft the way he's shafting you. Vote

  31. 'Private', not 'secret'. I wish the press wouldn't assume somebody's health is their business.

  32. EU Accounts : 'An open till waiting to be robbed'. Not once signed off as accurate in 20 years. No more from UK!

  33. Chancellor Osbo predicted last month he'd borrow £72bn 2015/16. Turns out it was £74bn. But still thinks he knows what GDP will be in 2030.

  34. I found 120 people do not follow me back (via )

  35. If you have not seen 'The People Vs OJ Simpson' arrange it. I have never watched such brilliant television. Casting unimprovable..

  36. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  37. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  38. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  39. David Gest probably died of irony. He was preparing an entertainment of soul songs called: "David Gest Is Not Dead, But Alive With Soul".

  40. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  41. The real scandal is inheritance tax itself - it taxes income that has already been taxed.

  42. I found 119 people do not follow me back (via )

  43. James Vardy - the Arthur Rowley de nos jours... The "gunner" is back.

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