Mike Dailly


Solicitor Advocate; UK consumer rights & social justice campaigner; Scottish, British, Labour, for UK law centres & trade unions.

Govan, Glasgow, Dundee, London
Joined June 2009

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    17:00 The Debt Business: Adair Turner argues household debt could lead the UK towards another financial meltdown.

  2. retweeted

    . writes about the Panel's call for consistent EU regulation of cost disclosure for investment products:

  3. retweeted

    Inflation in a globalised world - remarks by Mark Carney -

  4. retweeted

    48,000 millionaires in Scotland largely due to untaxed gain in land values. Why do we accommodate this?

  5. retweeted

    Fantastic article you're invited to come to Govanhill Law Centre & see the life-changing work they do for people in Govanhill.

  6. retweeted

    Here's 20 things to love about Govanhill. And OF COURSE is on the list:

  7. retweeted

    Why is independent adjudication for education disputes being hidden, asks Iain Nisbet of

  8. retweeted

    In rooting out slum private landlords Glasgow needs contingency plans to accommodate displaced occupiers in Govanhill

  9. retweeted

    Govanhill Law Centre's Senior Solicitor Rachel Moon will be discussing housing regeneration plans for Govanhill tonight at 10pm.

  10. retweeted

    Six weeks loss of benefits for being 15 minutes late for appointment - the sanctions postcode lottery in Scotland

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    Please RT

  12. retweeted

    Saturday's Independent: Priced out of justice: court fees force the poor to plead guilty (via )

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    The banks may soon get their wish on PPI claims deadline.

  14. retweeted

    High praise indeed from Skidelsky

  15. Looks like a cracking first major speech to me!

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    Kezia Dugdale vows to challenge 'injustice' in first major speech as Scottish Labour leader.

  17. Scottish was less than a year ago yet vocal minority continue to disrespect the democratic will of the people of Scotland. How so?

  18. 'No more the blaming of the poor for their poverty instead let's share the resources we've got' Gets my vote.

  19. retweeted

    Today we launched our 10 pt 'Standing to Deliver' plan. Our main policies & set of core values

  20. Mike Dailly followed , , and
    • @GraemeSmithHT

      Senior Assistant Editor, The Herald. Taxi driver to 3 kids (preparation for next career). Pro-youth footie dad hence occasional Tweets from across Scotland.

    • @NicolaSturgeon

      First Minister of Scotland, Leader, MSP for Glasgow Southside

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