Chris MeloniOvjeren akaunt


Official page for Chris Meloni. Really. I'm no longer completely anonymous. Instagram:

Pridružio/la se prosinac 2010.

@Chris_Meloni je blokiran/a

Jeste li sigurni da želite vidjeti te tweetove? Time nećete deblokirati korisnika @Chris_Meloni.

  1. Tweet
  2. Bringing Victorian times back !

  3. Tweet je nedostupan.
  4. Yeah well 15 yrs of hard living has a way of doin that to a person

  5. Tell mumsy she must watch March 9, watch the whole season, THEN tune in for season 2

  6. FINALLY they're beginning to dig into issues of importance

  7. Tweet

    Will you please wear your hair like this everyday? Plus the beard

  8. Luckily what happens at Sea Fire Grill stays at Sea Fire Grill

  9. Tweet

    Pls RT it's 5 years since our daughter passed away is No 1 genetic cause of infant mortality

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