Clive Peedell


Leader of the National Health Action Party Former chair of the NHS Consultants' Association Consultant Clinical Oncologist

North Yorkshire
Beigetreten September 2011

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    only 14 days to go to reach my target pls RT project to help young people with a mental health illness

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  2. What viewers & the public need to know about the crisis in mental health services

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  3. Was this Cameron's idea of the Big Society? Local Cumbrian people dredging their own becks and rivers

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  4. David Willett's concern for widening wealth gap between the baby boomers & the under 45s is galling considering his support for student fees

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  5. Show your appreciation of the by supporting NHS 4 Xmas No.1 See here for details. Please share with RT

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  6. hat retweetet

    Spending settlement not enough to avert 'care crisis'

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  7. hat retweetet

    Stop lying. '7day services' exposed in Private Eye

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  8. hat retweetet

    Bedroom tax harming children's learning amid stress and hunger, experts claim

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  9. Support our student nurses to defend their bursaries. They *work* 2400hrs as well as studying on their 3yr course

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    this is my daily clinical experience

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  11. hat retweetet

    Today's splash: A&E patients hit by winter crisis

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    Nick Gibb keeps saying we have an 'all-time' high number of teachers. But we have a record number of kids. So, checkmate.

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  13. Our social care system cannot survive Tory austerity agenda. The future is bleak for the elderly, disabled, vulnerable and their carers

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  14. hat retweetet

    40% of UK has no specialised perinatal mental health service: map showing what each area offers.

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  15. hat retweetet

    Fantastic new 2015 song from NHS Lewisham Choir. One to download & reflect on who we are and what we do to care.

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  16. Clive Peedell folgt jetzt , , und 2 andere
    • @PillsnPolicies

      A series on how health policies affect young people in the UK

    • @HFMA_UK

      The professional body for finance staff in healthcare. We set and promote the highest standards in financial management and governance in healthcare.

  17. Yes, a VERY BIG thank you from Hunt to Dr Michael Dixon, who was Lansley's chief trumpet player for

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  18. Compelling evidence that austerity policies are a contributing factor to worsening mental health in England

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  19. Tony Blair will be choking on his cornflakes this morning. They could have be best friends after all:

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  20. Gordon Brown succumbs to "relentless pressure" to join world's largest bond manager, Pimco

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