sailing boat
Site last updated: 23:52 21/11/2015

For over 40 years the East Coast Sail Trust has provided 5-day cruises for children between the ages of 9 and 16 as they learn the seafaring skills of teamwork, self-reliance and values. In this time some 10,000 children have benefited from this unique experience which enriches and remains with them for the rest of their lives. Typically but not exclusively the children are from schools having a long-term relationship with the Trust and who return annually to provide their charges with an ‘Outward Bound’ programme.

The sailing barge Thalatta is a key part of the experience and it became clear that she needed major refurbishment in order to continue. The Heritage Lottery Fund has provided a grant to supplement the Trust’s funds and enable the restoration to proceed, and we are most grateful for this help.

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Thalatta has completed her refurbishment, which has lasted 5 years, and is fully operational again in 2012 from the start of the season, when she has been able to resume her work. Read more...

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