Offshore Racing Group 

The Offshore Racing Group (ORG) area of responsibility is offshore racing yachts, open keelboats, coastal and offshore multi-hulls, solo and shorthanded racing. It does not cover dinghies and inshore multihulls.


  1. To provide, at national level, administration, guidance and co-ordination. To promote racing at all levels.
  2. To provide a link between the RYA and:     
    1. National government organisations
    2. International sailing bodies
    3. All other bodies interested in all forms of racing.
  3. To communicate information, as appropriate, to clubs classes and sailors.    

The Group consists of the following members:  

  • Janet Grosvenor (Chair)
  • John Derbyshire (RYA)
  • Mike Urwin (RORC)
  • Nick Elliott (RORC)
  • Nigel King
  • Chris Mason
  • Chris Arscott
  • Jeremy Smart
  • Stuart Quarrie (Corresponding)

  To contact the group, please e-mail

Contact Us

Article Published: March 09, 2011 13:16

Article Updated: April 29, 2013 16:54


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