Click to enlarge - Rhiannon wind farm

Celtic Array has opened its second stage of statutory consultation for the proposed R3 Rhiannon Wind Farm (RWF). The consultation opened on 20 March and will run until 19 May 2014.

This period of public consultation, which must include local communities, is the best opportunity for you to influence a proposal.

If built RWF will be one of the larger wind farms off the UK coast; bigger than Navitus Bay on the south coast but smaller than Dogger Bank on the east coast.

RWF is proposed to be located approximately 19km from the Isle of Anglesey, 34km from the Isle of Man and 60km from the Cumbrian Coast. There is already a number of wind farms located in the Irish Sea although none of the prop-osed size of RWF.  

A busy area

Stuart Carruthers RYA Cruising Manager, “Celtic Array has yet to publish any firm plans so at this stage we do not know the type of turbines or layout of the wind farm, what port they intend to use for construction or how they propose to lay the cables to shore.

“This latter point is of concern as there are a lot of small craft anchorages off Anglesey where the cabling will come ashore.

"This is a busy area, not just in terms of commercial shipping and recreational craft but because there are already a number of offshore wind farms in place: North Hoyle, Rhyl Flats, Burbo Bank and Walney with plans to build more to the north and west of RWF and around the Isle of Man.

"The RYA will be working with the developer as they put their plans together to submit to the Planning Inspectorate”

It is expected that Celtic Array will submit its plans in autumn this year. You can read more on the planning process here.

Consultation documents available to read

Celtic Array has published a number of consultation documents which are available to view or download from the Celtic Array website. These include:

Preliminary Environmental Information (PEI) document – provides details of the proposed project and the findings from the environmental impact assessment undertaken on this project.  

Community Consultation document – non-technical summary of the proposed project and the findings from the environmental impact assessment undertaken for RWF

Interim Consultation Report – summary of the feedback Celtic Array received during its first stage of statutory consultation (at the end of 2012) and the way in which this has been considered.

These documents are also available to view in a number of local public libraries and Government offices.

Public consultation events

Celtic Array is holding a number of public consultation events at different locations over the coming weeks details of which can be found on the Celtic Array website