North London Reinforcement Project

The Energy Challenge

How the world will produce energy in the future is one of the most significant debates of our time – and it will affect every one of us.

Today's situation is very different from when the energy grids that connect people to the power they use were first built and we will continue to use energy in different ways as part of our modern lifestyle.

In the UK, we can use up to a maximum of 60GW (gigawatts), or 60 billion watts at any one time and this is expected to rise. We face the challenge of meeting this rising demand, while also creating sustainable energy solutions.

Between now and 2030, the way energy is generated will change, including the closure of:

  • coal/oil-fired power stations, which do not comply with European emissions law
  • nuclear power stations at the end of their usable lives.

To replace this loss, the energy industry is embarking on a multi-billion pound programme to create sustainable energy solutions. National Grid's role is to connect people to the energy they use. Our role in the energy challenge is to refurbish or upgrade our energy grids in anticipation of the changes to come. This will ensure people remain connected to safe and reliable energy supplies.

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What is happening in the North London area?

As a part of the proposed works, we will replace the existing overhead power lines that run from Waltham Cross Substation, near Waltham Abbey to Hackney Substation in London with new ones that can carry electricity at higher voltages. The route consists of two sections, the 'ZBC line', which runs from Waltham Cross to Tottenham, and the 'VC line', which runs from Tottenham to Hackney.

We will also be upgrading Waltham Cross Substation, Brimsdown Substation and Tottenham Substation to operate at 400 kV from 275kv and installing new equipment at Hackney Substation.

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What is the North London Reinforcement Project?

The North London Reinforcement Project (NLRP) will upgrade the ZBC overhead electricity line that runs from Waltham Cross Substation, near Waltham Abbey to Tottenham Substation in London, from 275 kV to 400 kV.

This power line is one of the main lines that supplies electricity to London.

By upgrading it, we will make sure that our electricity network can transport the electricity supplies from new sources of power in and around London in the future. This will make sure the city's energy needs continue to be met.

At Waltham Cross we will build a new substation at our existing site, while at Brimsdown we will be expanding our substation to accommodate new equipment.

We will bypass the upgraded power line around Tottenham Substation, which will continue to operate at 275 kV as it serves as a critical junction for several existing 275 kV power lines.

The NLRP is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project under the Planning Act 2008. That means that a Development Consent Order (DCO) is needed from the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to carry out the proposed development.

More detailed information can be found at

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Where are we now?

In August 2012, we applied to the Planning Inspectorate for a DCO for the NLRP. The Planning Inspectorate is responsible for assessing our application and making a recommendation to the Secretary of State on whether or not to allow work to go ahead. The Secretary of State then has the final say.

Prior to submitting our application we held a number of consultation events to find out the views of the local communities in the areas where the work is planned.

The latest information on the progress of our DCO application can be found on the Planning Inspectorate's website.

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Upgrading the VC Overhead line

We are also upgrading the VC overhead electricity line that runs from Tottenham Substation and Hackney Substation from 275 kV to 400 kV.

The upgrade to the VC line, along with the proposed works to Hackney Substation already have planning consent.

We will, however, notify the local community before we start these works.

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What happens next?

The Planning Inspectorate will set a date for a Preliminary Hearing into the NLRP DCO application. This marks the start of the examination of our DCO application under the Planning Act 2008 and will set out how the examination will proceed.

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Contact our team

You can call our community relations team on 0800 319 6186 or email

You can also write to us at:

North London Reinforcement Project
Local Dialogue LLP

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Where energy comes from

A short animation that shows how we take energy from its source and deliver it to homes and high-streets around the country.