Hugh PymAkun terverifikasi


BBC News Health Editor covering all aspects of health (UK and Global). Politics and economics of the NHS.

Bergabung Juni 2010

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  1. The NHS in Northern Ireland - trying to turn around the problems - my blog

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  2. Dept of Health denies the £1.8bn for hospitals next year is a bailout - money made available in return for pledges on 7 day services etc

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  3. Department of Health says £1.8bn of the £3.8bn of new money for NHS England next year will go to "help hospitals"

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  4. Follow British astronaut Tim Peake's space journey on BBC live page

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  5. A40 bad both ways. Two separate accidents near Greenford flyover.

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  6. It is more recent than their traffic news

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  7. Folks on the M40 eastbound there are serious delays around Greenford because of accidents.

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  8. me-Retweet

    Does anyone know if there are 2 accidents on or near the M40 at Greenford?

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  9. The NHS in winter - an alphabet soup of stats - how do we know how its doing? my blog

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  10. Coming up on 6pm News my piece on NHS performance stats inc visit to Nottingham University Hospitals

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  11. See BBC News NHS Winter reporting analysis :

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  12. NHS England confirms that six of seven main targets missed in Oct - only referral to treatment target met

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  13. England's A&E performance in October - 92.3% assessed in 4 hours - below Scotland's at 94.7% in Oct

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  14. Delayed transfers of care in Oct -160,094 delayed days - highest since records began in 2010

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  15. 92.3pc patients assessed in A&E within 4 hours in Oct in England - down on 93.7pc in Oct 14

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  16. New proton beam therapy centres at UCLH and Christie in Manchester could treat 1500 cancer patients a year

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  17. me-Retweet

    Y12 & 13 Economics students at a conference today with leading speakers incl & Larry Elliot

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  18. Londons UCLH and Christie in Manchester will open new proton beam centres in 2018/19

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  19. 4 year old Keeva who had proton beam therapy in US joins ceremony at UCLH for construction of new London centre

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  20. me-Retweet

    Another great day in the world of . Filming with on preparations for winter at .

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