Working to empower everybody in the UK to reach their digital potential!

Joined July 2009

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    It's the last day to enter the Awards! It takes minutes to enter, so get involved:

  2. . 'Digital technology gets thousands fit for free!'

  3. retweeted

    A positive meeting with in Manchester - collaboration is key so too is innovative thinking and doing

  4. retweeted

    What is leadership? blogs for

  5. Inspiring story from who has used his to help thousands get fit for free!

  6. You can sign up to the Go ON UK newsletter for at to keep up to date on all things !

  7. Women and broadband challenge fund -discover the areas that have been awarded funding using this interactive map

  8. retweeted

    Just had our first ever 90th birthday party venue booked online by the 89 year old birthday boy. Nice 1

  9. retweeted

    Thank you for featuring CEO & founder RT

  10. 'Argos becomes first UK multichannel retailer to hit £1bn in m-commerce sales'

  11. 'Digital technology gets thousands fit for free!'

  12. retweeted

    Strong digital nations are digitally inclusive

  13. New President Jacqueline de Rojas's inaugural speech We must shape as well as embrace the !

  14. retweeted

    Brilliant story about the enormous benefits of getting online!

  15. retweeted

    A Senior Thanked The Teen Who Taught Her How To Use The Internet In The Sweetest Way

  16. retweeted

    Ed Vaizey to launch libraries wifi pilot scheme today with BT and Barclays | The Bookseller

  17. 'Retail’s digital skills gap set to widen' via

  18. retweeted

    Read the Government's response to Select Committee Report on

  19. Go ON UK followed and
  20. ' calls for more MPs to grasp the technological challenges the UK faces'

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