• 12M
    Small Business Professionals
    on LinkedIn
  • 5.5M
    High Tech Managers
    on LinkedIn
  • 2M
    C-Level Execs
    on LinkedIn
  • 1.3M
    Small Business Owners
    on LinkedIn
  • 150M
    Members Worldwide
    on LinkedIn
    US Based
    Over 40 Million
    India Based
    Over 9 Million
    Europe Based
    Over 20 Million
    Australia Based
    Over 1 Million
    Canada Based
    Over 3 Million

Acquire New Customers for Your Business

Reach your exact audience with LinkedIn Ads. Start with as little as $10/day.

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  • Target your audience by Industry, Seniority, Geography, Job Function, Age or Gender
  • Pay per click or by impressions
  • Stop your ads at any time

Whether you are a big brand or a direct response marketer, you're in good company

Seamlessly executed, The European Business Awards campaign engaged the wider Cisco WebEx audience across Europe in a highly compelling way.

James Campanini Managing Director at Cisco WebEx for EMEA and LATAM

The Sage Train Your Business Brain campaign goes far beyond traditional display advertising, by unlocking the potential of the LinkedIn network we can engage directly with our key audiences in a much more targeted, relevant and engaging way.

Joanna Elliott Head of Brand at Sage (UK) Limited

This pioneering project is DYMO's first targeted sponsorship. The LinkedIn Polls achieved fantastic levels of audience engagement, far exceeding our objectives. Definitely to be repeated!

Liza Busiello DYMO Brand Manager

50% of our paid inbound leads come from LinkedIn. LinkedIn is our most cost-effective online marketing channel.

Matt JohnstonVP of Marketing at uTest

We achieved a conversion rate for our client that was almost 3x that of the overall website average by targeting the professional audience on LinkedIn.

Danielle Leitch EVP of Client Strategy at MoreVisibility

We have seen unparalleled scale and effectiveness in signing up SMB eCommerce businesses through LinkedIn Ads. This is the only online ad channel that enables us to target and connect directly with key decision makers in businesses of a certain size in a specific industry.

Barry-Lee Pace Director of Marketing at NextBee Media

LinkedIn has earned a place in our social media arsenal, generating a reliable and scalable source of high-quality leads.

Dan Sommer CEO, Caridan Marketing Labs

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