International Export Import (sales retail apparel fashion sports fmcg agriculture power oil b2b)

International Export Import (sales retail apparel fashion sports fmcg agriculture power oil b2b)

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About the International Export Import (sales retail apparel fashion sports fmcg agriculture power oil b2b) Group

This business group is dedicated to professionals involved in import and export business, its been a great huddle for traders to find buyers and suppliers together and... more »
This business group is dedicated to professionals involved in import and export business, its been a great huddle for traders to find buyers and suppliers together and receiving trade leads.

It seems to be a common question, with many replies, but no one giving the right answer. We Import and Export because

- In some areas the local population cannot produce enough goods necessary for themselves.
- Some countries are more efficient at producing some things than others such as the export of cotton from the UK to the USA and Egypt.
- Various resources are only found in certain countries (China, UAE, Russia, US and Germany).
- One country may have a very poor balance of trade.
- Of the so called law of competitive advantage which means that, although two countries may produce the same goods, one country will be able to do it more cheaply than the other.

Lets unite together to meet our goals and discover marketing strategies for successful International Marketing!!! « less

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About this Group

  • Created: September 25, 2007
  • Type: Professional Group
  • Members: 190,998
  • Subgroups: 5