Cloud Computing, SaaS & Virtualization

Cloud Computing, SaaS & Virtualization

243,300 members
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Group Profile

Private group. To request membership, click Join and your request will be reviewed by the group manager.

A group for Cloud Computing & Virtualization professionals to expand their network of contacts, share idea’s and discuss industry related topics.

The group covers VMware, SaaS, PaaS, Cloud Security, Cloud Computing & Server Virtualization technologies, Enterprise 2.0 Applications, technologies and architectures, crm, cloud services, date centre, Software as a Service, on demand applications.

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- Please post press releases, promotional notices, announcements and messages in 'Promotions', not 'Discussions'. Our moderators will repost incorrectly posted content.

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About this Group

  • Created: December 7, 2007
  • Type: Professional Group
  • Members: 243,300
  • Subgroups: 1