Earn commission for your club in 2015 

RYA Joining Point scheme helping clubs, training centres and marinas earn commission for promoting RYA membership...

Following a fetching face lift in 2014 the RYA Joining Point scheme is going from strength to strength.  Since it’s re-launch some eight months ago the scheme has seen a 74% increase in the number of clubs, training centres and marinas signing up as Joining Points and earning commission for every new RYA member they sign up.  

“We are delighted with how well the revamped Joining Point scheme has been received over the past months”, commented RYA Membership Operations Officer, Gemma Garrett. 

“We’ve welcomed 120 new Joining Points to the scheme and 640 new members to the RYA.  Last year’s top Joining Point earned £750 in commission for their organisation and we hope to get even more Joining Points earning more commission throughout the 2015 season!”  

The scheme provides a quick and easy way for those organisations registered as RYA Joining Points to encourage their members and customers to join the RYA and experience the many great benefits of membership.

Commission for every new member

As a thank you for spreading the word about RYA membership, Joining Points receive a commission for each Member recommended; £10 for every Family Membership, £7.50 Personal Membership, £5.00 Under 25 Membership and £2.50 for a Youth Member, which can be fed back in to their organisation.

Paul Drake, Managing Director, Duck-2-Water commented: “Duck-2-Water became a Joining Point because as an RYA Training Centre we feel that it is important to encourage our customers to become members of the RYA.   

“Having a resource such as the RYA, offering information and advice on all aspects of boating both home and abroad, is valuable to everyone.  We are happy to continue to encourage all of our students to join.”  

Your promotional pack

On registration as an RYA Joining Point, organisations receive a Joining Point Pack containing everything they need to promote RYA membership to their members and customers, explaining the importance of supporting the RYA and all the work it does on behalf of the recreational boating public, and the numerous membership benefits, rewards and services available.  

Each Joining Point pack provides the club or centre with the possibility of earning up to £1,000 in commission depending upon the number of members signed up. Commission is paid on a quarterly basis and the amount depends upon the type of membership signed up to.  

Packs contain:

  • A3 and A4 posters
  • Membership Leaflets containing a pre-paid post application form, pre-printed with your Joining Point reference number
  • Quality leaflet holders
  • Promotional stickers
  • “How to” Joining Point Swatch containing everything there is to know about RYA membership and Joining Point.    

“We hope even more clubs, training centres and marinas will take advantage of the Joining Point scheme in 2015 and with this great new look we hope they are proud to display the Joining Point materials and help us introduce even more boaters to the great benefits RYA membership offers”, Gemma concluded.  

Signing up as an RYA Joining Point is completely free and easy to do, simply email joiningpoint@rya.org.uk to get started.  

Want to find out more about Joining Point then visit www.rya.org.uk/joinrenew/Pages/JoiningPoint   

Watch the video at http://youtu.be/EZSrXMvkp3g  

Contact Us

Article Published: January 26, 2015 12:52

Article Updated: January 27, 2015 10:03


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