MCZs Northern Ireland 

Marine Conservation Zones in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, the Department of the Environment (DOE) is responsible for the protection, conservation and promotion of the natural environment amongst its other duties.

The Marine Act (Northern Ireland) 2013 includes provisions for Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ), similar to those in England, within Northern Ireland's territorial waters (within the 12 nautical mile limit). It is DOE’s aim to have a network of effectively managed marine protected areas in place comprising European marine sites and MCZs by 2020.

So far, DOE is progressing work on MCZ designations with four proposed sites: Rathlin, Red Bay, Outer Belfast and Carlingford Lough. Detailed information has been published on the proposed boundaries, features, conservation objectives and potential management options which include potential restrictions to boating activity in Rathlin, Carlingford and Red Bay.

Further work is still underway in the four “Areas of Search”: Outer Ards, The Maidens, Lough Foyle and Dundrum Bay. A formal public consultation is expected in December 2015, with designation planned by the end of 2016.

How are the RYA and RYA Northern Ireland involved?

The RYA/RYA Northern Ireland will keep a watching brief as the MCZ process progresses and make sure the interests of recreational boaters are represented.

Where can you find out more?

You can read more about MCZs in Northern Ireland and background information about marine protected areas on the DOE website.

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Article Published: March 16, 2011 12:07

Article Updated: August 03, 2015 14:42


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