
The Royal College of General Practitioners is the professional membership body for family doctors in the UK and overseas.

Joined May 2009

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  1. It is now mandatory for healthcare professionals to report cases of in under 18s- supporting materials

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    expressing gratitude to and over steps made to improve differential attainment in mcrgcp

  3. Last chance! Our survey seeking your views on GP at scale closes tomorrow. Don't miss out, tell us your thoughts.

  4. There is a free CPD Accredited course on diabetes in BME & socially deprived groups on 12 Nov in Manchester

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    New reporting duty comes into effect tomorrow

  6. Last chance to apply to be a & work with us to champion your chosen area. DL 31 Oct.

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    Sitting the AKT soon? Make sure you listen to the FREE 30 minute podcast. Hints & tips GALORE

  8. GPs must be free to tailor resources to the needs of their local populations, in best interests of their patients

  9. Patients have better things to do on Sunday than have their ears syringed: on GP Access fund evaluation

  10. Listen to discussing pressures facing general practice on this AM: (2h 5m in)

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    Rooting out bureaucracy in gen pract announcement from is welcome. Could go further

  12. Our weekly RSC report has found: Presentations of respiratory illnesses remain at seasonally expected levels

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    Next at roadshow is Rebecca Owens sharing the TARGET toolkit

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    Good meeting with . Discussed blueprint, Also eye health project with

  15. Dementia Core Skills Education & Training Framework: Now available to download!

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    There's some really interesting stuff in the winners of the reseach papers of the year

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    . has launched a new 'Bright Ideas' portal, where GPs can share examples of innovative work

  18. A new EKU podcast on dyspepsia & gastro‑oesophageal reflux disease is now available. Access it here for FREE!

  19. Retweeted

    Excellent report from how to commission for collaborative care model for people with long-term conditions

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