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  1. Retweeted

    Did you know women in cant attend their own stadiums?

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  2. Retweeted

    mass arrests pre- in punishing the poor warns new report

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  3. Philippines: Mass Arrests Before APEC Summit

  4. Retweeted

    Je suis Paris. Et Beirut. Et Baghdad. Et Ankara. Et Sinai. Too long a list of such barbarity. No cause justifies.

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  5. Retweeted

    refugees trying to reach Europe are fleeing violence like in , from both ISIS and Assad.

  6. Retweeted

    Let's not forget the double suicide attack in on Thursday. Over 40 dead, 200 wounded

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  7. Retweeted

    police abuses of fuel fear, flight & economic hardship warns new report launching Nov 18

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  8. Retweeted

    HRW () has launched an online survey for youth in ! See here --

    , , and 6 others
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  9. Retweeted

    With all Burundi signs pointing to Rwanda genocide redux, world inaction must not repeat too

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  10. Retweeted

    police abuses of fuel fear, flight & economic hardship warns new report launching Nov 18

  11. Retweeted

    okays "indefinite detention" of suspects w/o trial via

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  12. Most popular tweets of the past week

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  13. Retweeted

    French authorities should respond w strong commitment to rule of law & human rights:

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  14. Retweeted

    violence targets community,again via Justified outrage

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  15. Afghanistan: Reject Indefinite Detention Without Trial

  16. Saudi Arabia: Steps Toward Migrant Workers’ Rights

  17. Yemen: Travel Ban on Women’s Rights Advocate

  18. Retweeted

    Horrific bloodshed in shows callous disregard for human life. Nothing can justify these despicable attacks

  19. Retweeted

    A despicable disregard for human life. Read 's statement on the here

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  20. Retweeted

    Horrific attacks in Paris show a callous disregard for human life, says

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