Equipment for Pleasure Vessels 

Make sure you are properly equipped before going on the water.

Some equipment is mandatory for Pleasure Vessels of 13.7m in length and over. Depending on how far from the coast you venture, you may be required by law to have items such as a liferaft, lifebuoys, lifejackets, flares, a marine radio and a boarding ladder.

For Pleasure Vessels of less than 13.7 metres in length there are no statutory requirements for safety equipment other than those required under SOLAS V.

However, it is essential that you properly equip your boat prior to going on the water and that you ensure that the craft is suitable for its intended use. All equipment should be checked regularly for wear and tear or damage.

You will require different equipment for day boats and boats with eating and sleeping facilities. It is essential that you take the time to learn how each item is used.

The recommended equipment for Pleasure Vessels list is not exhaustive, but together with the links provided should provide a basis for equipping your boat. 


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Article Published: October 24, 2013 14:29

Article Updated: November 05, 2015 15:37


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