Tzaneen Cartwright – RYA Olympic Operations Officer

Tzaneen Cartwright

Job Title
Olympic Operations Manager
Date of birth:
26 July 1979
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Sailsbury, Wiltshire
Current Hometown:

Tzaneen provides logistical support to the sailors and the support team for all events including the Olympics and Paralympics and has been involved with the RYA for six years but London will be her first Olympic Games experience.

Tzaneen's Q&A Session

Can you explain your role within the team? Provide logistical support to the sailors and the support team for all events including the Olympics and Paralympics.
What’s your sailing background? Sailing around Blakeney point, Norfolk as a child in a GP14, followed by sailing at university in the Solent and seasonal work out in Greece.  I very occasionally go big boat sailing now.
How did you get involved with the team? Having worked for the RYA for 6 years previously within the Youth and Junior programme, the opportunity to work within the Olympic department came up, this was an opportunity not to be missed and I was lucky enough to have got the job!
Can you explain what a normal day working for Skandia Team GBR involves? Event planning, booking containers for shipping and answering lots of queries off sailors and support staff.
If you weren’t in this role what else would you be? Promoting world peace…
Best moment in your career so far? The opportunity to be part of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games
What would you love to do but never have the time or money for? Learn to fly a plane
Do you follow any other sports? Rugby mostly but enjoying watching most other sports if time permits
Worst habit? Everything has to be symmetrical or facing the right way round… a bit like in the film ‘Sleeping with the enemy’ without the psycho bit!
What’s your greatest fear or phobia? Forgetting to pack my passport when I go on holiday… I have to check it is still in my bag a zillion times!
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley? Cheese, Ribeye Steak and Avocado
What was the last book you read? Confessions of a GP
Dream holiday? A few months venturing to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam
What’s your favorite boat to sail? Not too fussy but if I had to choose it would be a Cat.

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