Lily Devine - RYA Physiotherapist

Lily Devine

Job Title
RYA Physiotherapist
Date of birth:
01 April 1981
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Current Hometown:
St Albans/Portland

Lily is the Lead Physiotherapist for the team with the main aim of keeping everyone fit and injury free.

Before joining the team in early 2012, Lily previously worked for Premiership Rugby team Saracens, then with the GB Rowing team, and most recently for UKA.

Lily's Q&A Session

Can you explain your role within the team? I am the Lead Physiotherapist.
Main aim is to keep everyone fit and injury free. What’s your sailing background?
Absolutely None How did you get involved with the team?
I applied and interviewed for the Lead Physiotherapy role. Working with the team leading into a home Olympics was an opportunity that I couldn’t miss. I have previous worked for Premiership Rugby team Saracens, then with the GB Rowing team, and most recently for UKA.
Can you explain what a normal day working for Skandia Team GBR involves? Never really a normal day! Checking on sailors well beings, treating any one with injuries or niggles. Working with Steve to ensure all the Sailors training programmes are up to date. Managing the therapy team to ensure that we are doing everything we can to aid in the Sailors training and preparation.
If you weren’t in this role what else would you be? Working in Elite Sport
Best moment in your career so far? Watching an athlete return to full competition after a career threatening injury.
What would you love to do but never have the time or money for? Go to the Amazon Rain Forest
Do you follow any other sports? Having worked for UKA and Saracens RFC, I still follow the results from Track and Field and the rugby.
Worst habit? Picking my nails
What’s your greatest fear or phobia? Under achieving  
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley? Peanut butter, Eggs, Chocolate
What was the last book you read? Jane Eyre
Dream holiday? Trekking in a Mountain range somewhere or Snowboarding
What’s your favorite boat to sail? One that won’t capsize!

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