
Andrew Simpson

Andrew Simpson

Date of birth:
07 December 1976
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Chertsey, UK
Current Hometown:
Race class:


Andrew Simpson’s millstone of perennial bridesmaid was banished for good when he won Beijing 2008 Star keelboat class gold with Sydney 2000 Finn gold medallist Iain Percy.

Having developed under former RYA National Racing coach, Jim Saltonstall, Simpson enjoyed success in the Finn heavyweight dinghy, including a 2003 Worlds bronze, but could never quite nudge ahead of lifelong best mates Percy and Ben Ainslie in gaining Olympic selection.

After teaming up with Percy in the Star in January 2007, the duo provided a glimpse of what was to come with a Worlds bronze medal that summer. But it was in Beijing 2008 where everything fell into place, with crewman Simpson and Percy on the helm producing a heroic last race display to claim their hugely poignant gold medal.

In the build-up to the London 2012, Simpson has claimed his place on the podium at all of the 2012 ISAF World Cup events, including gold at the Hyeres French World Cup regatta, plus won Worlds silver.



Andrew's Olympic Medals

Olympic Year & Venue Class Medal
Beijing 2008 Star Gold


Andrew Simpson - Star


Andrew's Q&A Session

First boat sailed and where?  Seafly with dad age six in Christchurch
Who got you into sailing?  My parents 
Favourite boat?  Finn
Biggest influence in your career to date?  My dad 
My worst moment (sailing)?  Not going to Youth Worlds 1993 
My best moment (sailing)?  Olympic Games 2008 
Best sailing venue in the UK?  Mounts Bay 
Best sailing venue in the World?  Airlie Beach Austraila 
If you werent a professional sailor what else would you be?  Finance 
How do you progress from a club sailor to an Olympic class sailor?  Sail harder 
What are your greatest passions outside of sailing?  Spurs, my wife, family and friends 
Has injury ever prevented you from sailing?  Yes, had bad knees when I was young 
Most expensive sailing accident?  Team Germany bringing down our mast in 2007 americas cup 
Football club you support?  Spurs
Do you actively go and see them?  Yes I go when I can 
Do you follow any other sports?  All sports! 
Any heroes?  Ian Botham 
What other sports do you play?  Not many now, I used to play football badly. 
Do you have any lucky charms or rituals?  I listen to certain music tracks before races 
Whats your greatest fear or phobia?  Heights 
If you had a theme song what would it be?  The Rocky theme song 
Favourite reality show and would you go on it? No, they are all terrible! 
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley?  Red meat, tomatoes, cider 
What was the last book you read?  Michael Phelps autobiography
What makes you angry?  Making stupid errors 
Dream holiday?  My honeymoon 
What's better about football than sailing?  The money! 
Where do you keep your Olympic medals? I can't say

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