UK Sailing League launches at Queen Mary 

British Keelboat Sailing launching first ever fleet racing league

RYA British Keelboat Sailing is launching the first ever club keelboat fleet racing league in the UK this weekend (31 October – 1 November) at Queen Mary Sailing Club.

Some 10 teams will take part in the UK Sailing League Trial Event which will be run in partnership by the Royal Thames Yacht Club (RTYC) and the RYA.  

The UK Sailing League Trial Event is a new keelboat model that has been successively run in Germany over a number of years. The RTYC has bought into the concept and has partnered with the RYA to help launch the new enterprise. Sailing clubs have been invited from around the UK to compete at the trial event at Queen Mary before the idea is rolled out nationally.  

The event format will be a round-robin schedule with teams racing each other a number of times before the team with the lowest number of points is crowned the winner. Six boats will compete in each 15 minute race with teams rotating boats throughout the weekend.  

On Saturday evening a presentation will be given to all visiting sailing clubs who will be encouraged by the RYA to run their own event within their region. 

The RYA will the assist in the running of these events with the end goal being a greater participation in club keelboat racing around the country.  

Royal Corinthian Yacht Club (RCYC) can already see how the concept would work, said Justin Waples: “Certainly we feel the RCYC at Burnham is well suited to hosting an event both on and off the water.”  

Ramsay Leuchars said Port Edgar Yacht Club in Scotland is hoping to make an impact on the water as well as learning about the new concept: “This weekend we are most looking forward to seeing how this event could work elsewhere and the chance to compete against other sailors that we wouldn't normally be able to due to logistics and types of boat normally sailed.  

“On the water we have a chance to do well as we do have a strong crew who have competed at national, international and Olympic level in various classes of yacht, keelboat and dinghies.”  

Nigel King, RYA Keelboat Manager said: “This new format of racing is really exciting for us and one we think will take off. The idea is to increase the numbers of sailors taking part in keelboat racing and help clubs build up a strong base of keelboat sailors.

“The RYA plans to work with all clubs that are keen to host events, helping them find and train race officials within their region as well as access to boats.  

As the host club, Queen Mary Sailing Club, is really looking forward to the event, explained Commodore Sophie Jezierski: “We are delighted that the RYA and RTYC have chosen to hold the first UK Sailing League Trial Event at Queen Mary SC, the home of RTYC’s fleet of J80s.  

“As a trial event, QMSC is glad to help develop this series and support keelboat racing in the UK, so taking part is very important to us.  Of course the team will, like everyone, be sailing for victory, but we are also looking forward to enjoying some competitive racing and a friendly and sociable weekend both on the water and ashore.”   

You can follow the event on the British Keelboat Academy Facebook and on the Queen Mary Sailing Club website.

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Article Published: October 30, 2015 11:18


Tagged with: Yacht Racing

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