Choose a location
  • Lymington Yacht Haven
  • Haven Quay, Lymington
  • Largs Yacht Haven
  • Troon Yacht Haven
  • Fambridge Yacht Haven
  • Neyland Yacht Haven
  • Plymouth Yacht Haven
  • Yacht Haven Quay, Plymouth
  • Blagdons Storage, Plymouth
  • Jachthaven Biesbosch, NL
Find your perfect marina... We have nine marinas in some of the best boating locations and the most helpful staff to welcome you. Choose a location below for more information
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Yacht Havens Group

We own and operate nine marinas and dry stacks in premier locations, with the most helpful staff, providing you with the best boating experience around the UK and the Netherlands.

We trust you'll find a safe haven offering first-rate facilities and a warm welcome from our friendly, experienced team at whichever Yacht Havens location you choose.

Choose a location
Lymington Yacht HavenHaven Quay, LymingtonLargs Yacht HavenTroon Yacht HavenFambridge Yacht HavenNeyland Yacht HavenPlymouth Yacht HavenYacht Haven Quay, PlymouthJachthaven Biesbosch, NL
MarinasMarinas Dry StacksDry Stacks
Jachthaven Biesbosch, NLYacht Haven Quay, PlymouthPlymouth Yacht HavenNeyland Yacht HavenFambridge Yacht HavenTroon Yacht HavenLargs Yacht HavenHaven Quay, LymingtonLymington Yacht Haven
Check local weather & tides…
  • Lymington Yacht Haven
  • Haven Quay, Lymington
  • Largs Yacht Haven
  • Troon Yacht Haven
  • Fambridge Yacht Haven
  • Neyland Yacht Haven
  • Plymouth Yacht Haven
  • Yacht Haven Quay, Plymouth
  • Jachthaven Biesbosch NL
Choose a location
Check local weather & tides…
  • Lymington Yacht Haven
  • Haven Quay, Lymington
  • Largs Yacht Haven
  • Troon Yacht Haven
  • Fambridge Yacht Haven
  • Neyland Yacht Haven
  • Plymouth Yacht Haven
  • Yacht Haven Quay, Plymouth
  • Jachthaven Biesbosch NL


Visit Plymouth Yacht Haven this summer to check out the brand new, luxury facilities now open to berth holders and visitors

Find out more

Wash Basins
60X60 NEW


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All our sites are managed and run by committed, friendly staff who know and love their local area and whose mission is to help you draw the best from your boating experiences.

With well established marinas at Lymington, Largs, Plymouth, Troon, Neyland and Fambridge, and our newest marina Jachthaven Biesbosch in the Netherlands, we are proud to provide the boating community with a broad range of services encompassing wet and dry berthing and swing moorings, servicing and repairs, and hard standing boat storage. Our sites are also host to a variety of on-site hospitality and other marine services.


Bienvenue au Yacht Havens Group

Le Yacht Havens Group est une entreprise familiale et nous nous efforçons de créer un environnement sécurisé dans lequel vous pouvez vous détendre. Nous nous engageons à vous offrir un service personnalisé et à vous proposer d'excellentes installations dans toutes nos marinas à travers le Royaume-Uni.

Nous partageons votre passion pour la navigation et votre plaisir d'être sur l'eau. Nous voulons que vous profitiez de votre séjour parmi nous. N'hésitez donc pas à demander de l'aide auprès de notre dévoué personnel, s'il peut vous aider en quoi que ce soit.


Willkommen zur Yacht Havens Gruppe

Die Yacht Havens Gruppe ist ein Familienunternehmen das bestrebt ist, mit seinen Jachthäfen in Großbritannien eine Umgebung zu schaffen, in der Sie sich sicher entspannen können. Mit ausgezeichneten maritimen Einrichtungen stellen wir uns ganz in den Dienst jedes einzelnen Kunden.

Wir teilen mit Ihnen die Leidenschaft für Bootfahrten und das Leben auf dem Wasser. Wir wollen dass Sie sich bei uns wohlfühlen. Wenden Sie sich deshalb an unsere hilfsbereiten Mitarbeiter, wenn wir Ihnen in irgendeiner Weise behilflich sein können.


We heten u van harte welkom bij de Yacht Havens Group

De Yacht Havens Group is een familiebedrijf en bij ons staat uw ontspanning in een veilige omgeving voorop. Wij stellen ons ten doel u een persoonlijke service te verlenen en uitstekende faciliteiten te bieden in al onze jachthavens in Groot-Brittannië.

We delen uw passie voor het varen en het leven op het water. We willen uw verblijf bij ons zo aangenaam mogelijk maken en ons behulpzame team helpt u graag.


Croeso i Grŵp Yacht Haven

Mae Grŵp Yacht Haven yn fusnes teulu, ac rydym yn gweithio'n galed i sicrhau amgylchedd diogel lle gallwch chi ymlacio. Rydym yn ymrwymedig i ddarparu gwasanaeth personol a chynnig cyfleusterau rhagorol ym mhob un o'n marinas ledled y DU. Rydym yn rhannu eich brwdfrydedd am gychod a bod ar y dŵr. Rydym am i chi fwynhau eich gwyliau gyda ni, felly cofiwch ofyn i un o'n staff, sydd bob amser yn barod eu cymwynas, os bydd unrhyw beth y gallwn ei wneud i'ch helpu.

View our rates and book


Current rates for annual and visitor berthing

Choose a Yacht Haven…
  • Lymington Yacht Haven
  • Haven Quay, Lymington
  • Largs Yacht Haven
  • Troon Yacht Haven
  • Fambridge Yacht Haven
  • Neyland Yacht Haven
  • Plymouth Yacht Haven
  • Yacht Haven Quay, Plymouth
  • Jachthaven Biesbosch NL


Would you like to enquire about a berth ?

Choose a Yacht Haven…

Benefits of being a Yacht Haven Berth holder

  • Over 3,500 berths across nine prime marina locations around the UK and the Netherlands
  • Save up to 15% on an annual berthing rate with our Introduce a Friend scheme
  • Early payment discounts and flexible contracts
  • Free berth exchanges with other Yacht Havens around the UK and the Netherlands
  • Free Wi-Fi throughout our marinas for berth holders and visitors
  • Seasonal discounts and special offers on boatyard service
  • *NEW* 5% discount on fuel sales to annual berth holders
  • *NEW* 10% discount on boat insurance with Bishop Skinner Marine

Read what our customers say about berthing with Yacht Havens

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Yacht Havens enjoy a successful week at Southampton Boat Show

October 2015

As the 2015 Southampton Boat Show drew to a close, Yacht Havens Group reflected on another successful year at …
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Boat Show

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London Boat Show 2016

8 - 17 January 2016

'Where adventure starts, pioneers meet and innovation shines'. 8th - 17th January 2016 London Boat Show 2016 …
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London Boat Show 2