Maritime Security

ADMIRALTY Maritime Security Planning Charts (Q Series) should be maintained so that they are fully up-to-date with the latest security-critical navigational information.


About Admiralty Security Related Information to Mariners

Admiralty Maritime Security Planning Charts (Q Series) should be maintained so that they are fully up-to-date with the latest security-critical navigational information. The Admiralty Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM) service provides all of the data you need to maintain the Q Series charts as well as additional security related information which will aid passage planning.

Promulgation of Corrections to Q Series Planning Charts

These charts will be updated/corrected using the established United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Notices to Mariners process.

Promulgation of Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM)

New threats, embargo, exclusion zones and specific advice will be promulgated using the Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM) and can be viewed by clicking on the relevant Q Chart Tab.

The SRIM for each chart will sequentially numbered and identified by a unique title as follows: Q6XXX/yr/zzz (e.g.Q6011/12/001) meaning the first SRIM of 2012 for chart Q6011.

Data assurance

The data and information within the Security Related Information to Mariners (SRIM) is compiled and validated by government and military officials directly involved within the operation and often trained by the UK Fleet AWNIS Unit. Where possible any safety critical information will be promulgated by the World Wide Navigational Warning System (WWNWS).


Admiralty Security Related Information to Mariners is provided free of charge on this website. Maritime Security Planning Charts are available for purchase from official Admiralty distributors.

  • Q6099 - Red Sea, Gulf of Aden & Arabian Sea

  • Q6110 - Mediterranean Sea

  • Q6111 - Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea

  • Q6112 - Karachi to Hong Kong

  • Q6113 - Andaman Islands to Torres Strait

  • Q6114 - West Africa including Gulf Of Guinea