Marcus Chown


Writer. Books include What a Wonderful World, We Need to Talk About Kelvin, Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You & Solar System for iPad

Připojil se květen 2009

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  1. Cyber ciggy break : Smokebot Undated

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  2. At Saturn's north pole there's a hurricane twice the size of Earth - the shape of a hexagon!

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    The Earth's core is full of pips which can be planted to grow new planets.

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  4. Intervening in civil war with multiple factions while painting one group as goodies as another as baddies will only make things worse

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  5. We bombed Iraq with no plan. Chaos. We bombed Libya with no plan. Chaos. Question: What might the result be of bombing Syria with no plan?

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  6. Uživatel retweetnul.

    More evidence emerges of Tories doctoring pictures of Cameron to include poppies.

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  7. Uživatel retweetnul.

    Brilliant in FT on . We're too gullible not too cynical.

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    We’re ! Check out our Moment to see some celebration highlights:

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    MPs have labelled David Cameron's support for Syria air strikes as 'incoherent'

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  10. Thank you

  11. Time spent with a baby elephant rolling in the sand on a tropical beach is never wasted

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  12. "We build too many walls and not enough bridges" - Isaac Newton

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  13. "I've been noticing gravity since I was very young" - Cameron Diaz

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  14. "Newton was able to combine a prodigious mental faculty with the credulities & delusions that would disgrace a rabbit" - George Bernard Shaw

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    George Bernard Shaw died on this day in 1950. admires him:

  16. Benefit fraud: 0.7%. MPs' expenses fraud: ~30% But you'd never guess this from our TV and newspapers. WHY?????

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  17. "On benefits - 26 kids and claiming", Channel. TV's war on poor is as relentless as newspapers' war on Corbyn. Who makes these programmes?

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  18. Uživatel retweetnul.

    'Technical oversight" ? Nobody made a bad, dishonest decision, then ? ! Lies are just daily currency. Bri

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  19. Uživatel retweetnul.

    'I thought University Challenge was a programme about how students try to pay off their tuition fees.'

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