The Lancet


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London, New York, Beijing
Uniuse marzo 2009

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  1. rechouchiou

    For the Comment accompanying the maternal thyroid and child IQ study see

  2. Accelerated partial breast irradiation: the new standard?

  3. The association of maternal thyroid function with child IQ & brain morphology

  4. Australia leads on climate and health | Offline

  5. Prolonged-release oxycodone–naloxone for severe pain in patients with Parkinson's disease: an RCT

  6. Last chance to enter the Wakley Prize, closing 26 Oct Read last year’s winning essay

  7. APBI brachytherapy vs whole-breast irradiation after breast conserving surgery: 5-yr results

  8. A 38-year-old man referred to dermatology with these painful skin ulcers | Clinical Picture

  9. Moving ahead: what will a renewed Countdown to 2030 for Women and Children look like? | A Viewpoint

  10. Ranolazine for patients with incomplete revascularisation after PCI: an RCT

  11. Inherited determinants of Crohn's disease & ulcerative colitis phenotypes | Open Access

  12. We're launching a new shortly. Here's the launch event link

  13. The double challenge of resistant hypertension and | A new Review

  14. rechouchiou

    What are the mental health needs of trafficked people? A new research paper, free w/registration.

  15. Maternal, newborn, and child health and the SDGs—a call for sustained and improved measurement | Comment

  16. An overview of PBC & its sequelae, & current & future treatment options | This week's issue

  17. And then there were two…polio-endemic countries | World Report

  18. The Egyptian cowrie necklace | Object Lessons

  19. Neuraminidase inhibitors for influenza: a call for better research | Editorial

  20. "There can be no excuses for famine." | The art of medicine

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