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2 June 2011, 03:42 pm
"Think globally - act locally" a conference to consider how we achieve clean and sustainable seas and oceans
Discussion Panel After the Conference

Weymouth and Portland, Great Britain

The Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA), venue for the Olympic Sailing Events in 2012, was once more last week taking the initiative to tackle global marine degradation by running a conference to consider how to achieve clean and sustainable seas and oceans.
"Think globally - act locally" included in the programme a speaker panel formed by Dan Reading from Green Blue, Dr Susie Tomson from the project Race for Change, Richard Thorpe from The Gocycle, Jo Royle from The Plastiki Expedition and Marina Vaughan from The Blue Marine Foundation. The conference finalized with a panel discussion about future projects and ideas on what we can do from our positions to make a difference.

The WPNSA is already committed in the protection of the environment being the first Olympic and Paralympic venue to be awarded the British Standard for Sustainable Event Management (BS 8910). John Tweed, WPNSA Chief Executive hosted the conference with the aim to make awareness of the current situation with our seas and oceans.

ISAF Secretary General Jerome Pels and Technical Co-ordinator Norbert Marin asisted to the conference with the aim of getting a deeper insight of the problems afecting our seas and oceans and to possibly merging some of the ideas into various projects that ISAF is currently developing.

The complete conference presentations will be online soon from the WPNSA website:

To read more please click here.

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