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1 February 2004, 09:51 am
The Latest From Jean-Luc
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Round The World

Jean Luc Van Den Heed is getting ever closer to the Southern Tip of Africa, and as always his daily logbook provides us with an insight into this single-handed sailor's thoughts and actions.
"Lots of people have been asking me whether I ever get bored.... so here's an example of how I'm taking it easy. Last night, at 2 o'clock local time, the wind abated and it was raining. The front wasn't far off then. I still had the solent and one reef, so I had to be brave about it! I got out of my warm duvet, put on my Cotten waterproofs and my boots, then raised the mainsail once again. We went up from 8.5 to 10.5 knots. I took my clothes off and got back into my bed, which was still warm.

At half past three, the wind was still going down. I raised the genoese, once I'd gone through the ritual of putting on the old sea dog's outfit. So there was nothing left to raise, but with the front, the west nor' westerly wind was going to back sou'westerly. As I had to keep an eye out, and daybreak wasn't far off, I decided to have my breakfast.

At 10 past 4, I took my mug of hot tea like everyday with some Petit Lu biscuits spread with jam. At 20 past 4, it was raining heavily. It was the front arriving and the wind was turning. I had to pick up the running backstay on the windward side, then come around helping the genoese go from one side to the other, as in light winds the solent roller stops it. I was off again at 8 knots on the other tack.

By five o'clock, the wind had come around towards the south, and I had to reset the pilot. Then, sheer joy! We start to take off again. The wind was getting up. By seven, the wind was coming from the SSE. What a pleasure to finish the night off going along at 12 knots!

See you on Sunday,"

Jean-Luc Van Den Heede
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